Heating, Cooling and Water Heating

The program is designed to help you promote high efficiency heating and cooling equipment.

For more information on becoming a Residential Heating, Cooling and Water Heating Program Trade Ally, email consumershvac@icf.com.

If you want to become more involved as a Trade Ally, consider the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program.

Program Updates

Upcoming Heating Comprehensive Tune-Up Webinars

The end of summer is here, which means fall is just around the corner! Join the Consumers Energy and DTE Energy Residential Heating, Cooling and Water Heating (HVAC) programs for comprehensive tune-up webinar trainings!

Heat Pump Eligibility and Submission Process

To limit the amount of incorrectly submitted applications for heat pump rebates, please review the eligibility requirements and submission process for heat pumps below.

How Performing Comprehensive Tune-Ups Can Help Grow Your Business

As your ally in promoting energy savings and growing your business, Consumers Energy is offering a rebate to our residential customers who purchase comprehensive heating or cooling tune-ups from a participating contractor. Furnace, boiler and central air conditioner tune-up rebates make these services more affordable for customers—which means more business for you.

Upcoming Consumers Energy Cooling Comprehensive Tune-Up Webinars

The Home Solutions program which includes cooling comprehensive tune up rebates, will offer our annual cooling comprehensive tune-up trainings virtually. These live and interactive webinars will be tailored to different staff from your company and are completely FREE to attend!


Consumers Energy is pleased to announce the continuation of the Co-Op Advertising Program for Heating, Cooling and Water Heating program (HVAC) Trade Allies in 2023.